[Connect Job] 일본어 스피치 대회 개최(~8/31 마감)
- 작성자관리자1
- 작성일자
- 조회441
일본 대기업 및 우량기업 채용전문회사 connect job 포유스 입니다.
이번에 저희 connect job에서 일본취업에 관심있는 학생들을 대상으로,
일본어 스피치 콘테스트를 개최합니다.
상세한 참여 방법 등에 대해서는
하기의 url을 클릭하여 참고해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
■ 일본어 스피치 콘테스트 url : https://naver.me/xz9cuc75
we will hold the 2st japanese speech contest to provide opportunities for japanese learners/speakers from all over the world to improve their skills and connect with companies!
we look forward to receiving your wonderful speech which demonstrates your speaking skills.
the winner will also have the opportunity to participate in an internship program in japan (travel expenses paid).
in addition, the top performers will be invited for one-on-one interviews with companies that are actively recruiting international talents!
*please refer to the partial client list for a list of companies that are actively recruiting international talent and are partners with connect job.
▼how to apply
*the contents of prizes are subject to change without prior notice.
1. all ages and proficiency are welcomed.
2. those who themselves or their parents/guardians are native japanese speakers, cannot participate.
3. those who had stayed in japan for more than 13 months in total, cannot participate.
▼judging criteria
q1. how long should the video/speech be?
a1. it should be between 5 to 10 minutes.
please note that you will lose 10 scores for every 10sec over the time limit, disqualified after 1 min passed.
q2. is the topic of speect the same for the 1st and final round?
a2. yes. we do encourage contestants to refine their speech or even add visuals such as using powerpoint slide as preparing for the final round if selected.
q3. can i participate in this contest as i currently live in japan?
a3. yes, unless you live in japan for more than 1 year in total.
q4. should the topic be related to japan?
a4. no, you can talk about anything, as long as it's related to you. yourself.
q5. can i have my script while recording/speeching?
a5. yes, but we encourage contestants not to just "read" your script, rather "deliver" your message by using body language and eye contact, and e.t.c.